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"7 Chakras -4" Natural Stones Handmade Men's Bracelet



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Kitro Creations
14 days
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14 days

About this product

The "7 Chakras" bracelet was made by hand with semiprecious stones of seven different colors, one for each chakra. It is a lovely bracelet that will beautifully embrace your hand, offering you at the same time the precious properties of its stones. We are sure that you will love to wear it at every opportunity.

The term "chakra" means "disc" or "wheel" in Sanskrit and applies to the body's energy centres. These spinning energy wheels or discs relate to specific nerve cells and key organs. Your chakras must be open, or balanced, in order to function optimally. If one of them becomes blocked, you may suffer emotional or physical symptoms associated with that chakra.

Material: Semiprecious Stones
Size: Adjustable


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