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Butterfly Pea Loose Leaf



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Delicate petals brew to a rich sapphire colour in this caffeine free infusion. Native to South East Asia and used for centuries in Chinese Medicine, Newby’s Butterfly Pea tisane is a luxurious treat for all the senses.

7 Skincare Secrets of Butterfly Pea Flower

1. Packed with antioxidants

Butterfly pea flower contains many antioxidants such as flavonoids, anthocyanins, and polyphenols. Your skin needs antioxidants to improve general health and elasticity. Since you encounter oxidants daily through sweat, pollution, makeup, and grime, antioxidants are necessary to counteract this effect. Plus, antioxidants help minimize fine lines and improve your skin’s overall appearance.


2. Soothes minor skin irritation

A 2018 study of butterfly pea flower in face mask development found that the addition of it helped calm itching and general irritations. The plant’s vibrant blue color is a testament to this since, in traditional practices, blue is a signal for cooling. Another study conducted in 2012 supported the performance of butterfly pea flower for use in rejuvenating the skin.


3. Reduces redness

Because of butterfly pea flower’s ability to soothe irritated skin, it also minimizes redness caused by acne, dryness, and general irritation. These nourishing properties are further enhanced when combined with other nutrients that benefit skin health.

4. Improves moisture retention

The same study that noted butterfly pea flower’s ability to minimize discomfort also found it to promote moisture retention. This is important because daily moisture helps increase skin turnover to naturally restore itself. Plus, moisture retention helps stop dryness and promote lipid balance. Hydrated, moisturized skin is more likely to stay plump, radiant, and have a youthful appearance.

5. Supports collagen structure

Collagen is the “scaffolding of your skin” and naturally declines with age. In some studies, butterfly pea flower extract has been found to assist with collagen support.

6. Improves the skin barrier

Because butterfly pea flower contains plant-based antioxidants and antioxidant vitamins such as  Vitamins A, C and E, it helps improve the skin’s natural barrier. This is the top layer of your skin called the stratum corneum, and its purpose is to protect your body from irritants, including allergens and bacteria. When the skin barrier is compromised, its strength is weakened. Topical antioxidants help improve the skin barrier.

7. Suitable for all skin types

Butterfly pea flower is a hidden skincare rockstar. It is gentle enough for use on all skin types, no matter what time of year it is.


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